Coir 70/30 Coco Fibre 4.5kg

These large premium grade 4 and 5kg compressed blocks are individually wrapped and sealed free from contamination.

After18 months of testing at our farm Our blocks are now supplied  premixed at a 70/30 ratio of fine (70%) and coarse (30%) coir making it the perfect mixture for all growing from seeds to seedlings. They have unbelievable water retention , oxygen holding and anti fungal properties and will hold 25% air when fully wet and expand 7 to 8 times its size.

Our  Coir has a ph of 6 to 6.8 and a salinity content of less than 1 millisiemen per cubic metre making it the perfect product for all forms of hydroponics

Cocopeat (Coir Peat) Coir fibre pith is derived as a by- product in the process of fibre extraction from the outer layer (husk) of the fruit of Cocos Nucifera (Coconut Palm) and commonly referred to as Cocopeat in the horticultural market. Cocopeat is used as an natural growing medium in soil-less cultivation systems and as soil improver with excellent water and air retention properties. A very special grade of coir dust is washed, screened and graded before being processed into various coco coir peat products for horticultural and agricultural applications. Healthy root growth is easy with coir peat 100% natural organic coir. It is an excellent growing medium for both commercial and home gardening applications. The hydroponic and horticulture industries have observed that plants grown with the aid of coir develop larger roots, stems and blooms. This is because unlike ordinary soil, which is usually compacted, coir peat provides more breathing space and aeration for plant roots, resulting in better growth.

Coco Coir with Hydroponic Nutrient is like rocket fuel for your plants!

Additional information

Weight 5 kg
Dimensions 0.35 × 0.25 × 0.1 cm
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